금호타이어 생산직 연봉 및 복지

  금호타이어 회사 정보 일단 금호타이어 대한 간단한 정보 알려드리겠습니다. 회사명에서 알수 있듯이 타이어를 만드는 회사입니다. 직원 수는 5500명 정도 됩니다. 국내에는 서울사무소와 광주공장, 곡성공장, 평택공장이 있고 해외로는 미국 조지아공장, 중국 남경, 천진, 장춘, 베트남공장, 베트남공장이 있습니다. 국내공장 기준으로 광주와 곡성, 평택공장이 있는데 무슨 차이가 있냐 궁금하실수 있습니다. 광주공장 직원 1800명, 곡성공장 또한 1800명정도로 비슷합니다. 하지만 광주공장은 PCR 타이어인 승용차용 타이어만 생산하는 공장이고, 곡성공장은 PCR 타이어와 TBR타이어인 트럭버스용 타이어 둘다 생산하는 공장입니다. 평택공장은 직원수가 150명정도 되고 광주공장과 마찬가지로 PCR타이어만 생산합니다. 하지만 평택공장의 특징은 국내 최초이자 세계 6번째로 최첨단 자동생산시스템(APU)을 갖춘 공장이라는 것입니다. 금호타이어 연봉 연봉: 주간기준 3천 중반, 교대기준 3천 후반입니다. 일당은 1호봉 기준 51000원입니다. 상여는 매달 50%씩 나옵니다. 추가로 24년에는 설, 추석에 25%씩 상여가 나오고/ 25년에는 50%씩, 26년에는 100%씩 나옵니다. 급여 엑셀파일 위 링크에 금호타이어 호봉표와 급여 엑셀파일을 올려 두었습니다. 보시고 참고하시면 되겠습니다. 참고 후에도 궁금하신 점 있다면 댓글 달아주세요. 제가 보고 답글 달아드리겠습니다. 금호타이어 근무형태 근무 형태: 4조 3교대입니다. 오전 근무 5일/ 휴일 1일/ 야간 근무 5일/ 휴일 2일/ 오후 근무 5일/ 휴일 2일 광주 및 평택 근무시간  주간 근무: 08시 30분 ~ 19시 30분 오전 근무: 06시 30분 ~ 14시 30분 오후 근무: 14시 30분 ~ 21시 30분 야간 근무: 21시 30분 ~ 06시 30분 곡성 근무시간 주간 근무: 08시 30분 ~ 19시 30분 오전 근무: 07시 ~ 15시 오후 근무: 15시 ~ 23시 야간 근무: 23시 ~ 07시 (아...

Types of loans in Korea

Real Estate Security Loan : You borrow real estate as collateral, such as your own house. Although there are advantages of low interest rates and high loan limits because of the certainty of collateral, document processing is complicated. Alternatively, it is also possible to borrow the property you intend to buy as collateral. In this case, however, an authorized broker and a lawyer are required. In this case, there is a limit to existing mortgage loans in accordance with the government policy, but the maximum limit to which a mortgage can be obtained is not to exceed 70 % of the valuation specified by the financial institution. Park Geun-hye in real estate policies since his inauguration by following real estate boom for some time off earlier in the office while stimulus policies in the mortgage silhaengaek.Over time and a surge in U.S. interest rates, such as these debts to the influence of insolvency has also been a problem. Real estate mortgage loans can be carried out by paying interest only monthly without repaying the principal, which can reduce loan performance by adding interest rates to the DTI or LTV.

Mortgage Loan : Simply put, it is a long-term version of real estate mortgages. They borrow money to buy a house and repay it over a long period of 20 to 30 years. What made this by massage was MBS, one of the main causes of the global financial crisis in 2008.

Deposit / installment savings mortgage : It is possible to borrow a fixed or regular savings account as collateral. Mortgage loans may be advantageous because of the large loss of termination when the term expires. Generally, an additional 1 - 2 % interest rate is applied to the interest rate of the corresponding deposit. For reference, it is said that the only product that can be borrowed is the deposit money paid by post office deposit insurance.

Credit loans : borrow without any collateral security in consideration of the person's transaction details, credit rating, and job security. However, since loans are made without collateral, the loan limit is not high and interest rates are high.

Credit card short-term credit card loan (cash advance) : This is also a loan. Although it is one of the major benefits of credit cards, it has a bad influence on credit ratings. Relevant articles

Credit card long-term credit card loan (card loan)

Mr. Hope Hall : General credit loans, credit loans to people who can not be approved for opening a negative account, and are handled by 16 banks on the market. The commercial bank operates a separate computer related to the new hope hole, and since it is purely reviewed by banks without guarantee, the bank has to suffer all losses in the event of an accident. However, the screening process is much simpler and easier than a regular credit loan or a negative bank account, since the loan can be carried out only with confirmation of payment of local medical insurance if the employee is a member of the household. The maximum limit of use is up to 2,500, and loans are usually carried out within 100 % of the annual salary.

Hatfalon : In accordance with government regulations on household loans, most Hutfalon handling agencies stopped receiving loans in the second quarter of 2017. I look forward to your reference.
New Hope Hall in the second financial sector. Unlike the new hope holder, this product is either not covered by the government guarantee or is not covered by the second financial institution. The usage limit is set separately for living and rehashing types. In the case of the second financial sector, it is also divided into mutual financial institutions and savings banks, and given their credit rating, it would be better for them to conduct loans.

Young Hatfalon

In other words, it should be 6 months or more from the date of initial loan execution, as a product that converts to a bank credit for those who have received a credit loan at 20 % or more in non-banking areas below the second financial sector. As the entity of the loan audit is a government agency, not a bank, the loan can be carried out within three to four hours if the document is immediately submitted to one of the commercial banks. Except if there are past overdue records.

A negative account : Like a regular account, a loan account is a form of a loan account that can be taken out at any time and paid back at any time. Interest occurs only as much as the bank's negative balance, and if it is paid immediately after spending it, the interest burden is reduced. (This is why they often charge an additional 0.5 % on loans.) However, it is still a loan and should be aware that the loan relationship with the bank is maintained until the bank closes even if the balance is zero won.

Medium loans : 1 It is a loan package for people with low credit ratings for loans in the financial sector and high credit ratings for savings banks. It mostly shows loan interest rates of 10 %. P2P 8 % is the most famous.Among them are SBI Savings Bank (SBI), JTI (Korea Savings Bank), KB Savings Bank (Hyundai), Good Loan (KB), and Shinhan Savings Bank (Hegron).

Credit account bond mortgage :
